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Decision Process Worksheet

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This is a compilation of many different worksheets, starting from the first time we met to produce a guidebook through the web version. We usually went into a room with whiteboards, set up the categories, and started to brainstorm. We would then haul in the decisionmakers, show the thought process and our suggestions. With the decisionmaker, we refined our actions.

Naturally, many items changed while we developed the guidebook. We used the previous worksheets to determine what the changes affected. For example, when decisionmakers asked us to address another need (e.g., guidance on how to work with partners or handle conflict), we looked at our previous needs and determined that these were compatible. So we expanded the guide. When we found that our solution, a paper guidebook with general training, met our objectives but did not solve the problem (need for on-the-ground guidance), we developed other courses. When readers expressed different, more specific needs (helpful hints, overview of the process, etc.) we created this web version so readers could pick what they wanted.




Resources/ Constraints







Monitor and Adapt

Follow a clear decision


Provide a decision process tool


Core team

No Action


Meet the needs of our customers:

- Region

- Area


- Washington

- Other agencies

- Stakeholders

- Interested publics

No Action

We will use a small team as this will better provide a uniform approach

and we can make the guidebook usable and flexible.

We will integrate comments, insights, and

suggestions from as wide a range of perspectives

as we can.

Work with partners

Provide overall view of decision process to fit other guidance systems

Contributors with experience

Standardized training course

Use a small team:

- Lots of contributors


- Research

- Develop training guidebook together

Priority stack:

1. Usability

2. Flexibility

3. Uniform approach

4. Diverse perspectives

5. Timeframe

6. Coordination

Interview contributors

Three-ring notebook makes it easier to incorporate new changes

Flexible decision processes

Develop flexible, usable system

Washington support

Adaptable training courses

(2 hours-2 days)

Write sections

Work with others to find out new information and ideas.

Flexible guidance

Other government guides

Get something off the shelf

Stay within time and budget

Send out drafts

Monitor Reclamation Manual and adapt guidebook

Need to explain the decision


- Partners, other


- Decisionmakers

- New participants

- Team members

- Implementors

Communicate decision process clearly


Use another government guide


Use a large team with each person contributing one part

Incorporate comments

Keep getting comments from application contributors


Use a consultant


Develop and give training


Use the decision processes in place

Easy and friendly to use




Combine with other efforts (NEPA handbook)

Emphasize process

- Use as a group discussion



Keep people informed and follow up

Training materials

Have a large team develop this

Keep it flexible

Rewrite guidebook to create a hypertext on www.


Use Storyspace to create a framework.

Use HTML editor to clean up.


Create a www doc that provides tours for various audiences


Incorporate comments in the www version


First editor didn't work. Graphics were not imported well, had to be redrawn. Need for monitoring.


Use existing decision process models

Evolving decision processes:

- Reinvention


- Reclamation

Manual system

Promote an effective process


Use a small team to write and develop

Existing, changing regulations

Ask people what works

Use as discretionary guidance under RM

Time/staff days available

Use what works from other models, works.

Solutions don't work

- Skipped steps

- Surprises

- Politics

Show ways to avoid pitfalls


Find the basic steps in the decison process

Show how studies start

Talk about overall issues



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Handyman's Tourcompass for handyman's tour Decision Analysis <---->Scoping


GeneralKeep on Track

PreviousTake Stock

NextReality checks




Note: These files were developed and were originally hosted at the Bureau of Reclamation, United States Department of the Interior.
Eastgate is hosting this as an archive. Contact Deena Larsen for further information.