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No study is an island.

This tool ensures that you reach everyone you need to and helps avoid problems. Networking with decisionmakers and publics early on helps cut down on surprises later.

Employees in other studies and offices may have some relevant experience or may know of a related process, thus providing a more global outlook. Networking is particularly helpful when trying to work with controversial projects in a hostile environment. Teams need to become a part of the community they are trying to serve.



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Networking is really communicating: providing, sharing, and receiving information. Make sure that people who are relevant to the process are involved: decisionmakers, interested and affected publics, and other Reclamation employees. Newsletters, updates, open meetings, informal chats, and interviews help keep everyone connected.

Often, groups that are either physically, psychologically, or socially isolated may lose touch with the conditions and level of public perception. Consider bringing representatives into your group or going to those groups. Bridging the gap may provide new perspectives that can build working relationships and consent, give overall views, and even detect unseen flaws. Network with even the most severe critics.

Network with people who:

  • Have ideas, specialized knowledge, or related experience
  • Can provide a stimulus
  • Come from various backgrounds and perspectives
  • Are affected by any proposed changes, the problem, or proposed alternatives.
  • Will provide the required decisions
  • Will implement the decision



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Note: These files were developed and were originally hosted at the Bureau of Reclamation, United States Department of the Interior.
Eastgate is hosting this as an archive. Contact Deena Larsen for further information.