How to Read

Each poem will appear in a window similar to this one. Some poems continue past the bottom of the screen. Use your Web browser's tools to scroll to the end. At the bottom of each page, you will find a link back to the title page. Somewhere on each page, you will find navigational buttons, including one that will take you out of the Marble Springs demonstration text. A will appear at the end of each poem or text.

To read the information in the title, click on it.

Clicking on underlined (linked) words will provide more information or connections. (Words with emphasis, such as these, indicate connections or links available in the full version, suggesting the much greater richness and depth of the complete text.)

In the full version (though not in this demonstration on the World Wide Web), you can add your comments in the margin or your own research results in the bibliography by clicking on the appropriate box and adding your text when the cursor appears. See the writing instructions for more information.

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How to Read:
What you read depends on what you see.
Words spin the webs of connections, taking over the filaments of the unspoken, until finally there is nothing left but the thread of the voice.

Words say so little.

Return to the beginning of the Marble Springs demonstration.