Fade to

Tano started with just plain video of her in an elevator screaming and pounding and pressing buttons two at a time.

Now he's editing the video on the computer. He began by isolating her body from the elevator. Then he cut off her lower body. Now all he's got left is five minutes of frantic fingers.

One night, I walked in on Tano while he was stroking her wrist with his cursor. I said, "What are you doing with Madlyn?"

He said, "I think I like this video because she's acting like I felt when I was with her."

Tonight I come home and he's using software for painting. He doesn't know how to paint and he's painting with a mouse. Blobs of blue are everywhere. Only specks of Madlyn are left. Unrecognizable. He says, "I'm just about finished with her," and he leans back in his chair, exhausted.

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