
Artisanal software works better because it works together.
You see lots of cheap software bundles offering 99% discounts. That’s not us. We’re independent software craftspeople who work every day to make software do things it couldn’t do yesterday. We work hard to make everything work together, because that’s the right way to do it.
Sometimes, working together requires advanced technology and cutting edge coding. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of putting two tools together and envisioning how they can aid each other.
Here are a few examples. Remember: for a very limited time, save 25% on these terrific tools by purchasing them at the workshop gate.
DEVONthink and Bookends: When preparing your research paper you collect tens to hundreds of quotes and references. No better place to keep them than in a proper reference manager like Bookends. And for all the other materials, from bookmarks to PDFs and notes, there’s DEVONthink. Write your paper in DEVONthink with everything you need at your fingertips, regardless whether it’s a PDF stored in DEVONthink or a reference from Bookends. Import the references you want to add with a few clicks and never again lose control over your important knowledge collection.
DEVONthink and Tinderbox: Regardless if you’re working on a research project or writing the world’s next #1 thriller: you’ll collect masses of notes, links, images, and more. And you need to make sense from all your thoughts, ideas, and notes. What a better team than DEVONthink and Tinderbox: Store all the stuff you need for your project in DEVONthink, then switch over to Tinderbox and knot the web of information that will become your work. Both applications are designed to work seamlessly together.
HoudahSpot and DEVONthink: While researching a story, an app idea, a paper or any other project, you collect a lot of reference material. This includes notes, documents, bookmarks, mail messages, etc. The collected data may be scattered across your Documents folder, Downloads folder and Mail folders. HoudahSpot will find the relevant bits of information when you need them.
Better yet: HoudahSpot can find items in your DEVONthink database. You just need to enable Spotlight indexing for your DEVONthink database.
Want to limit your HoudahSpot search to just DEVONthink items? Easy. Add a "Content Type" criterion to your HoudahSpot search. Use "Find by example" to tell HoudahSpot which kinds of files you want. From search results, drag a DEVONthink item and drop it onto "Content Type" criterion. The search will update to match only the files that share the same content type as your example file.
Bookends and Nisus Writer Pro: Academic or scholarly works require the collection, annotation, and citation of information to support observations, arguments, and conclusions. Access Bookends, which does all of these and more, directly from Nisus Writer Pro. Find references in your Bookends library and cite them in the body of the text and footnotes of your Nisus Write Pro document while you write. When ready, scan the document to create final citations and a bibliography that meet the most rigorous publication requirements. All done interactively with Bookends from within Nisus Writer Pro.
TextExpander and Nisus Writer Pro, BBEdit: If you can write in it, TextExpander can help you write in it better. Whether avoiding your personal typos with custom autocorrects, or keeping your links complete in markdown or HTML, TextExpander is there making short, typed abbreviations expand into whatever you need. A fast markdown link in Scrivener, a forgotten accent mark or umlaut in Nisus Writer Pro, a dreaded missing /> in BBEdit: TextExpander can work with all these great tools whose goal is to help you focus on what's important: the writing.
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