L0ve0ne by Judy Malloy

In the spirit of the Internet, in the spirit of the web, portions of L0ve0ne originally appeared in different forms in servers all over the country -- Sausalito, California; Palo Alto, California; Arlington, Virginia; and the Massachusetts North Shore. The story began on the Interactive Conference on Arts Wire. It was continued on the Arts Conference on the WELL.

The narrator of l0ve0ne is not me. The first person is used, as it is in many of my other works, as a narrative device that not only effects the telling, in that it allows the writer to disclose the details of the main character's life in an intimate way, but also effects the reading, in that it situates the reader in an intimate relationship with the main character.

To navigate l0ve0ne, click on any red or blue _____ in the lexia.

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I Gweneth am telling you this story.