Moleskine Storyboard Notebooks

NEW! These durable and well-made Italian Moleskine notebooks are filled with heavy, acid-free paper that is lightly ruled with storyboard frames -- perfect for sketching narrative ideas for new media. Some pages have 2 frames per page, others have 4 frames. The rules are light -- you can draw outside the box -- and graceful. The paper is perfect for writers -- smooth, solid, elegant, and durable.

The Moleskine storyoard notebook includes all the thoughtful little features that have made the classic Moleskine such a popular accoutrement for Tinderbox:
- elastic band keeps the book closed in your pocket, bag, or pack
- integral fabric ribbon keeps your place
- sewn binding holds up to heavy use
- expandable inner pocket holds tickets, receipts, and ephemera
The perfect travel journal for visual thinking, these notebooks are ideal for Tinderbox users who can't always have their Tinderbox close at hand.

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"A fantastic tool for interoffice brainstorming, meeting note-taking, or just sitting down to think by yourself" -- Sean Carton, clickZ
"The Weblog Wonder" -- MacWorld (4.5 mice)
"A truly elegant thinking environment" -- David Fultz
"The software I feel like I've been waiting 15 years to have" -- Doug Miller, CTO, iRobotics
The most useful piece of software I have on my PowerBook. -- Rob McNair-Huff, editor, Mac Net Journal
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"Amazing...clever and elegant." — The Guardian
"Offers innovation driven companies a unique new way to both manipulate and manage ideas visually" -- Robert Ouellette, Boxes and Arrows

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