Eastgate Systems      Serious Hypertext

Tinderbox 3.0

Hot: what's brand-new

Tinderbox 3.0.6 improves the zoom-in animation in Tinderbox maps, adds a convenient command to bring all Tinderbox windows to the front, and makes some HTML Export elements more consistent and intuitive.

Tinderbox 3.0.5 adds a raft of small refinements, and some key new technology for the forthcoming Tinderbox for Windows.

In addition, Tinderbox 3.0.5 has some small but nice new additions:

Seventy-seven new improvements add up to 77 reasons that Tinderbox 3 is the tool for notes. Upgrades are free if you purchased Tinderbox within the past year, or get Tinderbox 3 and a full year of free upgrades for just $90..

Tinderbox 3.0 features a fast new parser for streamlining rules, actions, and templates, making it faster and more powerful than ever. The new parsers lay the foundation for Flint, a terrific new Web template assistant that's coming soon, and clear the way for Tinderbox for Windows,

For details on all the improvements, simply download the Tinderbox demonstration and check the release notes.

Tinderbox: the tool for notes

Download Tinderbox now!

"A fantastic tool for interoffice brainstorming, meeting note-taking, or just sitting down to think by yourself" -- Sean Carton, clickZ

Tinderbox 3.5.4 for Macintosh (what's new?). $192

You can always remove it later.

Tinderbox comes with a full year of free updates! When you upgrade, you get the latest version -- and an additional year of free updates! (more info)
Tinderbox Upgrade. $90

You can always remove it later.

Flint Weblog Assistant for Tinderbox $19.95

You can always remove it later.

"The Weblog Wonder" -- MacWorld (4.5 mice)

"A truly elegant thinking environment" -- David Fultz

"The software I feel like I've been waiting 15 years to have" -- Doug Miller, CTO, iRobotics

The most useful piece of software I have on my PowerBook. -- Rob McNair-Huff, editor, Mac Net Journal

See Tinderbox In Action

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Getting started

Tinderbox Web log

Dear Tinderbox...

Things you can do

Why "Tinderbox"?

Who designed Tinderbox?

For making notes

Sorting things out

FAQ: making notes

For weblogs

FAQ: weblogs

Pages from parts

weblogs and dates

Mastering Tinderbox

understanding attributes

export templates

User Stories

- Information Architecture

- Tinderbox in Meetings

- Visual Brainstorming


Custom training

site licenses

10-users and up


Tinderbox Wiki

Development Peekhole

Tinderbox Public File Exchange


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Tinderbox Public File Exchange

Tinderbox news

"Amazing...clever and elegant."The Guardian

"Offers innovation driven companies a unique new way to both manipulate and manage ideas visually" -- Robert Ouellette, Boxes and Arrows


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