SummerFest 2014

2015 summer festival of artisanal software

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Save 25% On Top Writing Tools

word processing that's fast, clean, and powerful
Save $6
your complete writing studio
Save $6
document management reinvented
Save $6
the reference manager you've been looking for
Save $6
the timeline tool for creative thinking
Save $6
expertly authored ebooks to support your Mac and iOS work
Save $6

It’s a midsummer night’s dream: seven great artisanal tools for writers and thinkers, ready for your summer work, each at a terrific price. It’s SummerFest: our annual summer celebration of hand-crafted software.

It’s the time for new plans and fresh projects and great new ideas. Whether you’re mapping out your next novel, finishing your dissertation, planning a product, or writing memories for your grandkids, we think these great tools will help.

the tools you need

No silly bundles of software you don’t want. No crazy offers. Just great software at a great price, right at the vineyard door.

The new year will bring new ideas, new projects, and new challenges. Get the tools you need at a terrific price, for a very limited time.


Your writing doesn’t come from a factory. Neither does artisanal software.

These are programs with attitude, with fresh ideas and exciting new approaches. Small teams work every day to polish and improve them. If you have a question or need something unusual, you can talk directly to the people who handcraft the software.

fine tools

These are terrific tools for thinking, writing, organizing, and delivering your ideas. Sure, you can manage with less – but why would you want to? Each of these tools is carefully crafted and maintained by a small, dedicated team with vision and determination. Each is constantly honed and improved – since Tinderbox 1.0, we’ve had ninety three full releases for Tinderbox alone.

what the craftspeople use

Tinderbox’s Mark Bernstein finds his colleagues a constant source of inspiration.

You don’t discover inspired design in focus groups. Artisanal software is filled with ideas, ambition, and a passion to make things right. Using all these tools together lets our team build better software while engaging the rest of the research community.

Keith Blount from Literature and Latte writes:

The applications on offer for SummerFest comprise some of my favourite writing software. There’s something here for every step of the writing process, from gathering research and working out connections between ideas, to putting it all together into a manuscript and polishing the text for wherever it needs to go.

Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann from DEVONtechnologies likes to create, and his customers do, too.

The software gathered for SummerFest are a researcher’s and writer’s dream. With Tinderbox, Bookends, and DEVONthink they collect the materials. Aeon Timeline brings them into the right order, and with Nisus Writer Pro or Scrivener they write their papers or novels. The invaluable Take Control ebooks help them avoid technical snags on the way. All these applications and books are made by real people, creators who care for the well-being of their customers

Adam Engst, publisher of Take Control Books, believes in the power of proficiency:

We’ve published over 120 practical books covering the most important Mac- and iOS-related apps, tasks, and technologies, including titles on DEVONthink Pro, Scrivener, and TextExpander. And our publishing platform? Based on Nisus Writer Pro. If you take your writing seriously, do yourself a favor and invest in the tools and training that let you focus on the best way to convey your ideas to the world.

take it easy

We won’t make you jump through hoops. No need to dig up your serial numbers or clip boxtops. These are all full versions with complete support and upgrade privileges. No contests or hullabaloo, no discounts too good to be true.

Just great prices for great software, right at the vineyard gate.

Using The Tools

Making Reading Notes With Tinderbox from Dominique Renauld on Vimeo.

Tinderbox: Dominique Renauld created a short video about “the way I use Tinderbox in order to take reading notes for my thesis and my publications. I use it every time I have to read a book. This way of doing isn't only more efficient than taking notes into a notebook. It's also a visual way of thinking and organizing my reference materials.”

“My go-to workhorse program for data organizing/software-for-thinking” – James Fallows, The Atlantic Monthly

Bookends: “If you ever write with footnotes, references, or citations, you need a reference manager. Bookends is superb, with a huge library of formats and integration with the great libraries of the world. I haven’t written a reference by hand in a decade.” – Tinderbox developer Mark Bernstein.

Scrivener: “Unbelievably wonderful” — James Fallows, The Atlantic Monthly

Take Control: Essential new and updated books include:

And soon we’ll all be lining up for Take Control of OS X El Capitan!

I’ve been using Tinderbox in the legal practice to track facts and issues arising out of litigation matters. I’ve also used it to plan and negotiate complex contracts. Tinderbox is flexible and you can sculpt it to your own needs.– David Sparks, MacSparky

If NaNoWriMo is the SuperTurboBoost engine that gets me writing, and Scrivener is the virtual organiser briefcase full of documents, then Aeon Timeline is having Linda the Genius [Copy Editor] sitting with me as I write. — Elizabeth Haynes

Scrivener is the best computerized tool for serious writing since – well, maybe since ever. Its new, seamless integration with the wonderfully flexible thinking-tool Tinderbox is good news for anyone who cares about writing, thinking, or using a computer. – James Fallows, author of China Airborne


Tinderbox helps you keep track of the real complexity and messiness of the world. – Ted Nelson, inventor of hypertext and author of Computer Lib and Possiplex.

You know that feeling you get when you put on your favorite, well-worn t-shirt and jeans? I just got that feeling when I started up the program. I live in Nisus Writer Pro." – Lou Lesko, award winning writer and photographer.

Fine Print: This brief special offer may end without notice. This offer cannot be combined with other discounts, and may not apply to all update offers or multiple-user packages. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Great deals and artisanal software make for hectic order rooms and real people handle each order; your patience is appreciated.

Try Tinderbox

for Mac OS X  ❧ More download options.

Buy Tinderbox

Tinderbox for you, for your team, or your enterprise. Plus upgrades, The Tinderbox Way, and more. Order here.

Learn About Tinderbox

Getting Started

Tinderbox Screencasts

Tinderbox Cookbook

Tinderbox Forum

Multiuser Licenses

Using Tinderbox

Tinderbox At Work