
Official Sponsors of NaNoWriMo 2012

“…the primary source for serious hypertext” – Robert Coover, The New York Times Book Review

Tinderbox helps you visualize, analyze, and share your ideas. Download and try it.

Official Sponsors of NaNoWriMo 2012

Tinderbox for NaNoWriMo

Tinderbox NaNoWriMo
$249 $187

Household License

Tinderbox for your entire household

Twig for NaNoWriMo

Twig for NaNoWriMo

The Tinderbox Way

The Tinderbox Way
Mark Bernstein
375 page eBook

Welcome, NaNoWriMo Writers!

Tinderbox is the tool for notes — a unique and powerful kind of software that helps you visualize, reorganize, and understand subtle ideas and complex worlds.

We’re offering NaNoWriMo participants big savings on Tinderbox. It’s a great place to explore ideas, build worlds, establish backstories. It’s the tool you need for revising, reorganizing, and for composing the story bible for your next series.

Tinderbox exchanges files with Twig, its fast and compact sibling for capturing your ideas fluently. Tinderbox works beautifully with Scrivener. It’s a professional tool with exceptional capacity for innovation and depth for creativity, and Tinderbox has a truly outstanding community of helpful writers and researchers throughout the world.

Maps, Outlines, Timelines

Tinderbox lets you move smoothly among many views of your work. Explore and reorganize in map view, tighten in outline view. Check your timeline to make sure that your characters can get where you need them to be.

Tinderbox map of the 100 Stories Project by Steve Ersinghaus"

Tinderbox offers you exceptional depth. You can get started in minutes, and gradually improve your Tinderbox notes over months and years. As you do, you can make Tinderbox smarter, letting it add routine data and search for patterns on its own. (That link, to an article by Steve Zeoli, is just one example of the energy of Tinderbox’s international user community. Don’t miss James Fallows on “Software Reviewing As It Should Be Done.")

Official Sponsors of NaNoWriMo 2012

It’s all pretty damn DWIM — “Do What I Mean.” The latest integration between Bookends, Tinderbox, and Scrivener bring a whole new level of DWIMity. And — the mark of great software — each one keeps producing little surprises....the sort of surprise which makes you think (a) “I didn’t know it could do that”; (b) “Why would I want to do that, anyway?”; and (c) “I don’t know how I managed without it. – Michael Bywater, author of The Chronicles of Bargepole, Big Babies and Lost Worlds

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for Mac OS X  ❧ More download options.

Buy Tinderbox

Tinderbox for you, for your team, or your enterprise. Plus upgrades, The Tinderbox Way, and more. Order here.

Learn About Tinderbox

Getting Started

Tinderbox Screencasts

Tinderbox Cookbook

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Notes about Notes

Multiuser Licenses

Using Tinderbox

Application Notes